Spa Refresh – Weekly Water Freshener & Moisturizer (8oz)


Spa Refresh by InSPAration, water moisturizer & freshener, is the perfect additive for the spa to moisturize & soften your skin while masking chlorine or chemical odors. Combat the harsh affects of chlorine! Spa Refresh will add a skin moisturizer into the water so that when you get out, your skin & hair will feel soft and silky. Spa Refresh will not change water chemistry, cloud, foam, bubble or affect pH. Amazing in spas where regional water hardness is an issue. Spa Refresh also adds a gentle sweet floral aroma into the pool to freshen up the backyard! Add weekly or after each water treatment to keep your spa fresh all year long.

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inSPAration Spa Refresh 1 bottle lasts 4 weeks diagram available at Spagods

One 8 oz. Bottle Lasts All Month


The Spa Refresh 8 oz. bottle is a marvel of pool maintenance efficiency. Contrary to initial impressions, this compact bottle is not a single-use solution. Instead, it’s designed to provide four separate treatments, making it an economical and sustainable choice for spa owners. By adding just a quarter of the bottle’s contents during each weekly spa clean out, users can ensure that their spas remain pristine and well-maintained. This method not only extends the life of the product but also ensures consistent water quality over the month. The Spa Refresh 8 oz. bottle is a testament to the fact that good things often come in small packages, offering multiple treatments in one convenient container.

How to Keep Your Spa pH Neutral


Spa Refresh stands out as a unique solution in spa maintenance due to its 100% pH neutral formulation. This ensures that it will not counter-react or interfere with any other chemicals commonly used in spas. Its neutrality provides spa owners with the peace of mind that their spa’s chemical balance will remain undisturbed upon its application. Moreover, being water-soluble, Spa Refresh seamlessly integrates with the spa water, ensuring an even distribution without leaving any residues. The absence of oils in its composition further guarantees that there will be no unsightly slicks or films on the water’s surface. This combination of features makes Spa Refresh an optimal choice for maintaining the pristine condition of swimming pools without the worry of unintended chemical reactions.

Is Ph. Neutral, & will not cloud

How to Hide the Smell of Chlorine


Introducing Spa Refresh, the game-changing solution for every pool owner who craves a pristine and pleasant swimming experience. One of the most common complaints among swimmers is the overpowering smell of chlorine and other chemicals that can linger even after treatment. Not only can these odors be off-putting, but they can also give the impression that the spa isn’t clean or well-maintained. Spa Refresh is expertly formulated to tackle this very issue. With its advanced odor-neutralizing properties, it effectively masks any unwanted chlorine or chemical scents, ensuring that your spa remains inviting and refreshing at all times. Dive into a fresher, more enjoyable swimming experience with Spa Refresh, and say goodbye to those pesky chemical odors for good!

Includes Aloe Vera Extract


Spa Refresh, a groundbreaking product in the realm of spa care, harnesses the natural moisturizing properties of Aloe Vera Extract to rejuvenate and hydrate your skin. Aloe Vera, renowned for its skin-soothing abilities, is packed with vitamins, enzymes, and amino acids that work synergistically to retain skin’s moisture and combat the drying effects of chlorinated water. When you immerse yourself in a pool treated with Spa Refresh, the Aloe Vera Extract gets to work, leaving your skin feeling soft, supple, and refreshed. It’s not just about a clean spa; it’s about caring for your skin too.

inSPAration Spa Refresh Aloe Vera Extract

Spa Refresh – Weekly Water Freshener & Moisturizer (8oz)



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